How to earn your next promotion

Have you been in the same role for too long and you’re looking for a change? Or, do you just want more from your career? Here are 10 tips that can help you earn your next promotion.

1. Work hard

This one might seem obvious but sometimes it’s easier said than done. Not everyone gets a promotion. The ones who do are the ones who do put in the effort and go above and beyond. They are also the ones who show value. Aim to continuously have a positive attitude and let people notice how hard you’re working. Have a strong work ethic and don’t forget to use your soft skills. For example, show creativity, the ability to think on your feet, and let others see how great you are at solving problems. 

2. Be curious and ask questions 

There’s no such thing as a dumb question. Asking questions will help you thrive in your role and get a better understanding of what is expected of you and how you can excel. When you show your curiosity it also shows that you are thinking ahead and that you want to learn more and improve. 

3. Ask for more responsibilities

Volunteer to take on additional work, help others, and support new company projects and initiatives. Again, the ones who get promotions are the ones who stand out by doing a that little extra. Asking to do out more outside of your original job description shows your ambition and initiative.  

4. Show up at company events outside of your 9-5

Participate in activities designed to encourage team building that demonstrate your interests in growth development opportunities by participating in workshops or training sessions. This is a great way to show that you are invested and build a sense of community (and comradery) with your colleagues. People will notice you at these events and you will remain top of their minds, especially when promotion time comes around. Also, by attending outside events you get the opportunity to connect with your leadership team and they get to know who you are by name. How cool is that?

5. Have a plan and set goals that you want to achieve

Don’t just wake up on Sunday and say you’re going to ask for a promotion on Monday. It doesn’t work like that. Take a weekend to really map out your goals on how you plan to earn your next promotion. Think of where you are now and where you want to be. Set realistic timelines and milestones. It's important to firstly focus on goals and small steps that will get you to your ultimate goal. Once you’ve got these steps down, tick them off as you go.

If you need some help in defining your goals and putting them into perspective, ask your manager for assistance or guidance when you have your one on one sessions or performance reviews. This will also make you look good and like you care about your professional development. This is also a great opportunity for you to seek a mentor or a work buddy who can positively inspire and motivate you.

Once you have goals set in place, you can have something to focus on. HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE. You've set the goals, but they won't work unless you actually put them into action. 

6. Ask for feedback from your manager and ask what you can improve on

Asking for feedback is a sure way for you to see where you can improve and grow. If you work with multiple teams and stakeholders it's crucial that you ask what they also think of your work. Are they happy with your output, are you communicative, are you helping them, what can you do better? While doing this, be sure to also ask about the things that you are doing well. Create a conversation. When you receive feedback, be prepared to accept it whatever form it takes. Lose the ego and show humility. Constructive feedback is meant to help you progress. Even if you don’t agree, say thank you and try to work with this person in a way that is meaningful to them and be adaptable. 

7. Listen 

Never think of yourself as the smartest person in the room, because most of the time you probably aren’t. Also, the smartest people in the room are the ones that listen and learn from others. They rarely say much unless it’s necessary. When you are in meetings or having conversations, listen. When you speak, think about what you are going to say and make sure it makes sense and that it is thoughtful. Again, ask questions if something doesn’t make sense or if you just want to know more.

8. Get people to like you

This is huge! When people like you, they will want to work with you. Also, when people like you they will notice all of the hard work that you are putting in and they will want to reward you. 

9. Be consistent 

Don't flip flop with your productivity, communication, and attitude. Not every day will be an epic work day because sometimes things happen that can cause disruptions to your day. However, make sure that everyday you step into your role you are putting your best foot forward and that you are giving it 100%.. If for some reason things aren't going well, you're not feeling well, you're struggling with a task or (this is a big one), or you made a mistake, admit it. Don't duck into a corner when things go wrong and pretend everything is okay. Admitting your mistakes or asking for help shows character and demonstrates a side of vulnerability that builds trust and shows people around you that you are humble and honest. (See previous point about getting people to like you).

10. Empower others 

Be a leader to those around you who may need direction and offer to help when you can. Lift up those around you with positive interactions and communication. Acknowledge your team members when they do good work. Everyone loves recognition. Show yourself as an ally and not a competitor.  



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